Tuesday, October 30, 2007

November Meeting

Our next formal meeting of the Kentucky Kitchen Witch Circle will be on Sunday, November 18, from 2-4 at the Good Foods Co-Op on Southland Drive.

FYI - November 24 is the Full Beaver Moon the Farmer's Almanac describes it as the time to set beaver traps before the swamps froze, to ensure a supply of warm winter furs. Another interpretation suggests that the name Full Beaver Moon comes from the fact that the beavers are now actively preparing for winter. It is sometimes also referred to as the Frosty Moon. Here is a link to a short video. http://link.brightcove.com/services/link/bcpid219243171/bclid1134982617/bctid192955662

I am bringing Pimento cheese spread with crackers for a snack on Sunday. Here is the recipe.

Pimento Cheese Spread

3 oz. cream cheese

1 cup shredded sharp cheddar

1 cup shredded Monterrey Jack

1/2 cup mayo

3 tablespoons pimento chopped

salt, pepper, garlic powder to taste

3 dashes Worcestershire sauce

Blend the cream cheese until light and fluffy, mix in all other ingredients. Store in fridge. This is best made the day before. You can serve it with crackers, veggies, or on a sandwich or burger! YUM

Agenda for November 18 meeting: (pictures of altar to follow)

  • Set up altar (altar cloth, orange, brown and tan candles, pomegranate, dragon's blood incense, crystal)

  • Review minutes from first meeting

  • Review action items

  • Voting on discussion protocol

  • Herb kit

  • Starting a magical cookbook

*We will be having a study group on Sunday, November 4, from 1:00 - 3:00 at Jacobson Park. Bring To Ride a Silver Broomstick for discussion.

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